Mobile communications checklist: How to find the right telephone tariff

With the help of this checklist, you can note down important things that can help you make a decision about the right telephone contract or tariff. You can then also take the list to the shop or fill it out with a person you trust.
Verbraucher:in schaut skeptisch auf ihr Mobiltelefon

What should you pay attention to in general?   

  • Don't sign the contract right away in the shop.
  • Take someone with you who speaks good German to help you.
  • Take these documents with you:
    ➨ Passport
    ➨ Residence permit
    ➨ Bank details (account number, BIC and IBAN)
  • Don't sign anything if someone comes to your accommodation or flat or approaches you on the street or at the station.

Before signing the contract

  • How much do you want to pay monthly, how much can you afford?
  • Which countries do you want to call?
  • What is the cost per minute to ... (name the country here)?
  • Is there an international flat rate to ... (name the country here) and what does it cost?
  • Do you use messenger services, social networks and want to download videos?
  • How much data volume do you need per month?

What does the contract contain?

  • How much data volume does the data flat rate contain?
  • Do you need a smartphone?
  • How much does the smartphone cost? (monthly or once off)
  • What are the total costs each month?
  • When can you terminate the contract for the first time?
  • Does the contract have a term of 24 months?
    Note: You have to pay monthly basic costs for the entire term, for example for 12 months.
  • By how many months will the contract be extended if it isn't terminated in good time beforehand?

The contract has no term, as it is a prepaid contract

  • Where can you buy / top up credit?
    ➨ in various shops
    ➨ on the internet
  • How can you pay the credit?

Are you unsure? Get independent and neutral advice! Find out more from the consumer advice centre:

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